Stunning chocolate mushroom bar Food Journal


You start your day with one cake, and two lemon filled lifeless Krispy Cream doughnuts you brought from Kroger throughout the end of the week and just one can diet coke rather than three. You can’t actually partake in the sweet stuff with out the salt so you persuade your 297 pound lousy nourishment addict pal, Betty, to go to the candy machine for a sack of Funions. You tell her to a sack as well, your treat. You furtively feel frustrated about Betty. You just weighed 135 pounds earlier today wet and stripped on the grounds that you drink diet Coke and you have not had any children at this point.

mushroom chocolate bar


Checkers for lunch in light of the fact that their burgers are just a dollar and they are nearly pretty much as thick as the patties you make at home. During your mid-day break you recollect a deal they had at CVS so you go there to get three family estimated sacks of Nut M&Ms. This will hold you for three or four days on the off chance that you conceal them toward the rear of the file organizer cabinet nearest to the floor so your avaricious ill bred collaborators won’t discover and eat them without your consent. In addition, M&M’s appear to fill your heart with joy pass by quicker on the grounds that it makes tackling your job more fun and in case it is fun you are more useful. You generally eat them attempting to eat the sugarcoated shell away from the chocolate mushroom bar covered nut and afterward drawing the chocolate off without parting the nut. It is similar to paying attention to great music when you need to tidy up the house after messy individuals. In any case, before the day’s over you have eaten each of the three pack of the M&M’s nevertheless you don’t regret this is on the grounds that you shared practically 50% of them with lousy nourishment Betty and they were discounted.

Evening Tidbit:

As a trade-off for your benevolence and her culpability for eating the remainder of your Cheesecake Plant apple strudel cheesecake despite your good faith, Betty gives you a modest bunch of Red Hots and a big part of an extra large Laughs bar yet you need the salt so you go for one more sack of Funions. They are not as fun as the M&M’s and they make your breath smell yet they are delightful, light and crunchy. They ought to be OK calorie shrewd too on the grounds that they are outrageously light and crunchy and they sort of dissolve in your mouth a bit. You down two more diet Cokes. After five minutes you feel tranquilized up with a drowsy like daze and you are still incredibly parched so you pursue a dose of Lemon Lime 5 Hour Caffeinated Drink with another diet coke since that five hour stuff has an aftertaste like pooh said pleasantly.

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